Tweets and Types
Eleverne indsamlede de sproglige perler, som de derefter satte med hjemmelavede bogstaver på store printplader. Layoutet blev sværtet til og trykt over på store stykker papir. Bogstaverne og de grafiske elementer var løse typer, som kunne genbruges og omarrangeres i det uendelige.

Under forløbet havde publikum mulighed for at komme forbi og erhverve sig en af de unikke plakater.

Interessen var stor og et par dage efter forløbet modtog vi denne dejlige besked fra Ulrik Feldskov Juul, kreative direktør hos LEGO:
The quote is from the keynote talk “Creativity is a human condition” that dr. med. Peter Lund Madsen gave at the World Creativity Forum 2017. Great inspiration on how we have evolved as human mankind based alone on our ability to generate new ideas. On that note is was a fantastic idea that graphic design students created old-school printed posters based on tweets and quotes from the conference. This was not only unique and beautilfull design – but also a great tangible example on how design, craftsmanship, physical material and not least the interaction between real humans in the real world is valuable in this digital age. I will frame both the moment and the poster. Thanks! Ulrik Feldskov Juul